Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Keeping Your Laptop Safe

by James

Statistics show that a laptop computer is stolen every 53 seconds in the USA, and in San Francisco, the Laptop is the most common item stolen from a person. Your laptop computer can contain your entire life, from important work through to downloaded music, personal photos, and even confidential bank and credit details. With this in mind, of all the items you carry with you on a daily basis, your lap top computer should be the one that you take most care of.

There are a few golden rules to follow when it comes to keeping both your computer and the information contained in it safe. Some of them are simple, and easy to follow, others require a little more discipline to keep on top of, but bearing in mind the value of both the computer and its contents, it is essential to take its security seriously.

The reason why laptop computers are so popular with thieves is exactly the same as why they are popular with regular people. They are convenient, stylish, and portable. We like them because they allow us to work on the go, thieves like them because they can pick them up and go before we notice.

The first rule to follow is that if you do not need your laptop, leave it at home or at work. Why run the risk of getting it stolen by having it with you if you don't need to?

Whenever you have your laptop with you in a public place, whether you are working or not, do not let it out of your sight. Do not leave it at the table in a restaurant when you go to the bathroom, and if you can possibly avoid it, carry it with you at all times. You should also avoid leaving it on show in your car. If you must leave it in the vehicle, make sure you lock it in the trunk rather than leaving it on display.

Because the data held on your laptop computer can as valuable to a thief as the computer itself, you should take measures to protect your files. Passwords might make accessing documents inconvenient, but they could make the difference between a thief getting access to your bank account or not.

One last important thing is to always back up your data regularly. If the worst happens, and your computer is stolen, don't risk losing months of work just because of one scumbag. Copy essential information onto a desktop machine, or a pen drive to ensure that if you lose your laptop, you can get up to date quickly rather than losing time collating information that you have lost.

James writes for ADPmods. You can find more information at

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