Friday, April 13, 2007
Speed up your laptop - Part 2
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Original Post by NewsLaptopComputer
Again, after we finished Speed up your laptop - Part 1, now move on to the next step.
The second step called: Clean Your Desktop
So, you may questions that "Why cleaning desktop is needed?"
The answer is, to optimize your desktop and speed up your startup process.
Yeah...looks like someone get confused, so I'll show you the proof.
First check how many shortcuts are there on your desktop, is it more that 10?
If yes, your computer has to work hard on loading them at startup. If no, your desktop already a bit optimized.
Let's see why startup time effected by the shortcuts
Each shortcut worth at least 1 KB, this can be proof by dragging any shortcuts to a folder, for example, My Documents. After dragged the shortcut into a folder, you will see its file size shows beneath the shortcut name.
If a shortcut is 3 KB worth, and you got 10 of them on your desktop, your machine will take time loading 30 KB shortcuts at startup, right? If you can reduce the number of shortcuts, you desktop would be optimized. This come to the concept that: why cleaning desktop is needed.
Oh... I almost forget to tell you about another kind of shortcut called "Application".
The application shortcuts are those downloaded and executable files. The file size of application shortcuts may be 100 times larger than normal shortcuts. Once you place those applications on the desktop, your computer is absolutely slow down.
The best way to manage those shortcuts and application files on the desktop is to keep it somewhere, such as creating a new folder, rename it as your favor, then put those things together into it.
Well, you may group them in as many folders as you want, but remember that - many folders also generated more disk spaces used. So create it as necessary.
Grouping shortcuts advantage in reducing load time for each shortcut. If there are hundreds of shortcuts grouping in one folder, Windows will determine it as a shortcut and finished it loads faster!
Another benefit of grouping shortcuts is easy use, you may find the right place to lunch the programs by just looking at group name; easier and faster.
The main shortcuts, such as My Network Places and Internet Explorer, may be unnecessary if you are not always config something with your Network Card, and using other Internet Browser such as Mozzila Fire Fox.
To remove unnecessary main shortcuts, right click on desktop, select properties
Then select Desktop tab
click on Customize Desktop button
In General tab, remove check from shortcut name that you think it's unnecessary, press OK to finish
Congratulation! Now, your desktop looks cleaner, and yes, optimized
For the next time I'll explain more in detail about desktop optimization. Sounds cool right?
Speed up your laptop - Part 2 by NewsLaptopComputer
Author website: Laptop and Notebook Computers Tips and Tricks
My content is free to use. If you want to use please copy the ENTIRE post up to this point, and make sure you put my name as the author. Thank you.
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